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Jalupro Course
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Health and safety
The Appearance of the Aesthetic Practitioner
Health and Safety (Sharp Instruments in Healthcare) Regulations 2013
Blood borne viruses
Hand washing
Storage of medicines
PPE, Sanitation, infection and Control
Skin Diseases
Consultation process
Consultation process
Consultation form
Jalupro Presentation
Jalupro Presentation (25:23)
Jalupro Protocols
Jalupro Presentation
Jalupro Eye Treatment (2:36)
Jalupro Face Treatment
Jalupro Arm Treatment
Jalupro Hand Treatment
Jalupro Knee Treatment
Jalupro Elbow Treatment
Jalupro and Toxin = JaluTox
Jalupro + Botulinum Toxin Forhead and Periocular Wrinkles
Jalupro + Botulinum Toxin Perioral Wrinkles
Jalupro + Botulinum Toxin Neck Wrinkles
Aftercare Advice
Aftercare Advice
What can you purchase from our wholesale
Where to buy Jalupro
Jalupro Face Masks
Jalupro Creams
Insurance information
Claim your certificate
Claim your Certificate of Completion
Storage of medicines
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